GK Academy Online Payment Student InformationStudent's Name* First Last File Number* Phone Number*Student's Email Address* Camp InformationWeek of Camp*Please SelectWeek OneWeek TwoWeek ThreeWeek FourWeek FivePayment InformationPlease Note: A 3.5% convenience fee for online payments has been added to the prices below.Goalkeeping Academy* Full Tuition ($2,228.25) Non-Refundable Deposit ($519.15) Camp Balance ($1,710.20) Important! Please note that all remaining balances must be paid in full by May 1st. If you are registering after May 1st you must submit the full tuition amount.Shuttle* Round Trip Shuttle One Way Shuttle No Shuttle Shuttle Late Fee Shuttle Late Fee Shuttle reservations within 15 days of camp are subject to a $25 late fee. Please select this option if you are making shuttle reservations with 15 days of camp.Extra Night One night additional dorm stay Please select this option if you will be arriving early and will require an additional night's stay before the first day of camp.Total $0.00 EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.