DGK in Action: December 2017
In addition to the Camp Homework I assign students every year, I also challenge my camp students to become involved in their community to raise their awareness of the global community around them. It is far too easy to get swept up into our busy lives, the daily grind, and our own microscopic circle of influence. I am certainly a culprit of that. Hence the Dynasty Goalkeeping Community Outreach Challenge was developed to get ALL of us to broaden our circles of influence!
Initially the program began with students donating gear for children in need around the world and has grown from there. Thus far Dynasty has been involved with the following organizations Carolina For Kibera, Coaches Across Continents, They Often Cry Outreach (TOCO), Equipment Across Continents (a branch of Coaches Across Continents), the U.S. State Department (cultural exchange and female empowerment programs), Sports United (a cultural exchange program organized through the U.S. State Department.
In 2010 the Dynasty Goalkeeping Community Outreach Challenge took our generosity one step further. I challenged students to ACT BEYOND THEMSELVES and get involved with a project that meant something to them and to ‘donate’ some of their TIME to help others. The feedback I received from the students and parents was tremendous, so giving back to your community has become a core value of the Dynasty family of goalkeepers.
It is in acting that we have our most profound effect, because there simply is nothing more valuable than your time. So to set aside some of your precious time to help another human being (animal or the planet) speaks volumes. The recipient will certainly be tremendously grateful for any help you can give, but the effect it will have on your own life will be were the most value lies. The gratitude and love you receive back from the people you help is addicting and powerful. Try it and you will see what I mean.
Here is the list of the volunteer work that Dynasty staff and students (listed by the camp week they attended) reported in 2017! This is GREAT STUFF! I am proud of all of you — you guys inspire me to do more!!!
If you were a 2017 student/staff that did volunteer this year and your name isn’t on this list it is because you didn’t email me! I can’t report on something I don’t know! Please email me so I can update!
MEGAN KINNEMAN – June 2017 – Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Coach “Ping”, as many of our student know her, took on a special challenge this year and wins the award for furthest

Dynasty gloves debut on Mt.Kilimanjaro! Photo by Dana Roesiger
traveled to raise awareness! Megan was given a last minute opportunity to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro (she literally had about a week to prepare for a trip halfway across the globe!) in June with the Equal Playing Field Initiative. EPF strives to raise the awareness of gender inequality in sport and to promote sports development for girls and women globally, especially in marginalized countries. Not only did the EPF crew summit the tallest mountain in Africa, they broke the world record for the highest elevation regulation football match in history at 5714m. The two teams consisted of 32 female players from grassroots to the elite, represented 20 different countries and ranged from 15-55 years old.
Here are some highlights from Megan’s trip in her own words:
On June 28, I flew to Tanzania to join the group of 60 people, including the teams, referees, medical and support staff. We spent the first 6 days climbing up the mountain before our final campsite. We had a 7v7 scrimmage on day 3 at a high enough altitude to break the record, but we did not have the space for a FIFA regulation field. The big day was easily the most difficult thing I have experienced, both physically and mentally. We woke up at 2am for a bowl of porridge before climbing slow and steady (“Pole Pole!” as they say in Swahili!) up a steep incline for FIVE hours. Our hydration packs froze and we had just our headlamps for light until the sun rose about 4 hours into the hike. Once we reached Stella Point (the point just above the crater where we would play the match), we had a quick rest and bowl of soup while our awesome crew set up our FIFA regulation pitch.

Photo by Dana Roesiger
The match began and I have never been more grateful to be a goalkeeper. Any 10 yard run got you out of breath and these players were sprinting in bursts, competing just as hard as they would if it was a regular altitude (with a bit more walking recovery). The match ended in a 0-0 tie with multiple chances for both teams, but we all celebrated because we knew we had completed the record breaking match! However, the day was not done! We were cleared by medical staff to do the one-hour climb to the highest point of the mountain. We got our pictures and headed back down to camp (2-3 hour descent).
This was an incredible experience for me because I gained perspective on what it is like to be a woman in many

Ping on top of the world!
cultures around the world. While I know there is still work to be done in our professional leagues in America, the fact that we are able to play and compete whenever we want is something we should be grateful for. This group of people has inspired me by their daily efforts to achieve opportunity, equality and respect for women around the world. Please check out the documentary, website and gear for purchase! The crew is planning their next world record and putting on clinics around the world to continue their impact on women in sport.
TRACY NOONAN – Spring & Fall 2017 – Chapel Hill, NC
2017 did not present any opportunities for me to volunteer abroad, so instead I chose to focus locally and do what I do best, coach! In the spring I volunteered with Chapel Hill High School to coach the goalkeepers on the girl’s soccer team and in the fall I helped train the goalkeepers on the boy’s squad. Due to travel, rehab, and work commitments in coordination with a VERY full high school game schedule I was only able to coach the girls in April/May for three sessions (~6 hours) and the boys in October for 3 sessions (~ 6 hours). I enjoyed being able to coach the goalkeepers in a team environment, help sharpen their skills, and boost their confidence right before playoffs. Mainly I appreciated seeing the excitement of the goalkeepers when I arrived at the field as they realized on that day they would get some much needed attention and gk specific training. In addition I appreciated how welcoming the coaching staff always was considering how sporadic my presence was. They were genuinely thankful for any time I could commit and super flexible. It was a nice reminder for me that even a small gesture of time can make an impact, so never feel like a small commitment isn’t enough.
From my perspective it was also a lot of fun to work with two athletes whom had never played the position before! On the girls team we had a senior volleyball player come out for the season and on the boys side we had a senior baseball catcher join the squad. Both had great attitudes, picked up techniques quickly, pushed the starters, and contributed a LOT to the team chemistry and camaraderie of the “goalkeeper union”. Also of note the Chapel Hill Boy’s won the NC 3A High School State Championship this fall after being runners-up in 2016, so it was fun to play a tiny role in helping “Wolfie” peak at the right time.
Overall, whether I am inspiring girls running a session in a third world country or building confidence in the goalkeepers in my own community it is always a gift to receive a genuine smile in exchange for my time.
EMILY HULL – Summer 2016 – Asheville, NC
Emily participated in three service opportunities along with her college team at Wake Forest University this past fall. In pre-season they pitched in to help HOPE (Helping Our People Eat) driving around low-income neighborhoods in Winston-Salem delivering groceries and lunches to around 65 families (4 hours).
At the end of September Emily and her teammates were back at it with “Hit the Bricks”, a charity run around the quad on campus with bricks in their backpack. Hit the Bricks is an event that raises money to help find a cure for cancer! (1 hour).
Lastly, in early December Emily and her team gave more of their time to Santa’s Helper wrapping presents that they then delivered to around a hundred families the next morning. (1.5 hours)
I love that Emily and her teammates have a team goal of 27-30 hours a person by the end of the academic year. She said they plan to do a lot more work in the spring when their schedules are more flexible. Given all the demands of a D1 college student-athlete I appreciate that they have made it a priority to be involved in the community!
MOLLY SWIGER – Spring 2017 – Johns Creek, GA
This past year Molly continued her work with the organization she founded, Voices for Veterans, a club at her high school, through May of 2017. They organized a luncheon for local first responders and a tribute on Memorial Day. It was roughly 20 hours of work. “I always enjoy working with Voices for Veterans because it is a way I can give back to a community that I will be involved with in the future.” (Molly is a freshman at the U.S. Naval Academy)
CAROLINE DOSS – June 17-24, 2017 – Hollywood, SC
Caroline spent a week of her summer volunteering with her Christ United Methodist Church Youth Group. Along with roughly 120 teenagers and adults Caroline traveled to Hollywood, South Carolina to repair and build houses for people in need. The mission trip was related to Habitat for Humanity. Caroline’s group repaired a damaged roof from a recent hurricane for the 6 days they were there learning how to shingle, assemble, and nail in new roofing materials. They also were fortunate to meet the owner, Harry, of the home they repaired and Caroline said, “My favorite part by far of the mission trip was seeing Harry’s face once he saw his brand new roof. After a hurricane damaged much of Hollywood, Harry was living with holes and molding on
his roof and in his home. This specific experience made me realize how many of us take “common” or “basic” things for granted, when the truth is they are not at all common. A roof, running water, and plumbing are amazing blessings that I now appreciate so much more after going on this trip. Since last year, I have started completing community service more regularly not only to help others, but because of the amazing impact it has made on me. It really brings everything into perspective when you actually see the reaction of someone you have helped.”
SARAH LAYNE – Summer 2017 – Omaha, NE
Sarah was a busy bee this summer an absolutely CRUSHED our 2017 Community Outreach Challenge! She cranked out an impressive 103.5 hours of service work all around her community! Here are the organizations she volunteered for:
Habitat for Humanity: (12 hours) At Habitat for Humanity, she worked in their ReStore and did a build with them in Omaha. “It was really rewarding work and I learned skills I never thought I’d learn like how to rewire ceiling fans and how to frame a garage door. I also learned a lot about the Habitat for Humanity organization and just how helpful it is in providing adequate housing to underprivileged people in my community.”
Red Cross: (7 hours) At the Red Cross, Sarah helped others sign up for donating blood. She also helped coordinate between her high school and the Red Cross to host a blood drive on November 17th.
Elkhorn South High School: (22 hours) Sarah volunteered with the girls’ basketball team at Elkhorn South for their summer basketball tournament. She kept time and score for their games.
Elite Girls’ Academy Soccer: (6 hours) Sarah coached one of the younger goalkeepers at her club for a couple weeks. “It was super rewarding to see her progress and then perform well in games. I can definitely see why you love coaching!”
Elkhorn Soccer Club: (34.5 hours) Sarah assisted by keeping time for a few summer scrimmages and also helped register teams for the Elkhorn Summer Classic tournament, transported handicapped fans from field to field, worked on the fields to keep track of scores, and cleaned up after the tournament.
Open Door Mission: (5 hours) At Open Door Mission, Sarah went to one of their donation centers and unloaded donated goods from cars and sorted the clothes and items into separate bins. “I learned more about the organization as a whole and its mission to alleviate poverty by making the choice between housing, food, and clothing that many people and families must make when impoverished nonexistent by providing free shelters, free food, and free clothes on a large scale to those in need in my community.”
Westridge & Manchester Elementary: (8 & 9 hours) Sarah helped with before school planning at both elementary schools. She sorted papers alphabetically and made agendas and nametags for fifth-grade students.
“Overall I had an incredible experience volunteering this summer and learning about the needs of my community and how I can help. It only takes a little time out of my day and it can make a huge impact on other people, whether it be providing affordable housing, food, and clothing to the underprivileged in Omaha or simply lessening the burden of pre-tournament registration at a nonprofit soccer club. I definitely would encourage others to volunteer since it has changed my perspective on my community and has taught me very much. It’s a great way to give back to a community that provides me with so much.”
GRACE McCLELLAN – Thanksgiving 2017 – Southside, AL
This year Grace gave back to her community on a very fitting day, Thanksgiving. She went to the Convention Hall in her community and volunteered for 2 days, totaling 5 hours, helping prepare Thanksgiving meals for the less fortunate. The event was put on by United Way and thousands of volunteers get together Thanksgiving week to help prepare to feed thousands. During her stint Grace helped package cranberry sauce, prepared plates, and also sliced cake. YUM! “I really enjoyed volunteering especially because I was able to meet new friends, but also I was able to meet some of the people that the meals were given to and it was a very touching and sweet experience.”
GABI MIKELL – June 8, 2017 – Cary, NC
Gabi logged an impressive 58 hours of service work with the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina this year. As a volunteer she works to do packaging and labeling of food at a local food warehouse. All the food at the foodbank is donated by grocery stores and farmers. The food ranges from frozen peas, bananas, potatoes, cucumbers to pasta. All the food that is packaged and labeled is sent to shelters, local soup kitchens, and churches for those in need.
PAIGE NURKIN – March 2017 – Nicaragua
During her spring break Paige went to Nicaragua with a group from her school on a service trip. They partnered with a local group called Nica Nadadores, a swimming program co-founded by an alumnus from her school. The goal of the program is to give kids of all ages (6-20+) a chance to be student athletes as well as teach them important life skills and habits. Through swimming, the kids are taught discipline, respect, responsibility, and time management. The focus is both on the student and the athlete as the kids must make acceptable grades in school to stay in the program and Nica provides scholarships to private schools to many of the athletes. During her trip, they painted and built a water tower for a local public school. The school usually runs out of water around noon and then has no water for the afternoon! Building this water tower doubled the water capacity of the school, making it so they had clean water most of the day. They also taught some new comers how to swim, cleaned the pool, and painted at another public school.
In addition to all the work they did, Paige really enjoyed the opportunity to become immersed in Nicaraguan culture. “Practically every day, we would play some pick up soccer with the local kids, often with an extremely flat ball on concrete or a dirt pit. Many of the kids did not have real athletic shoes. We also went to the houses of some of the swimmers for dinner. There we saw a typical style of living in Nicaragua. Houses were made of tin, had curtains as walls, and the floors were often made of dirt. The second night I went to a house, we knew it was a wealthier family because they had real walls and tiled floors. This experience was very impactful to me and opened my eyes to many of the privileges I take for granted. It’s great to know I was able to have such an impact on a community, and that I made lasting relationships with some of the swimmers. This was a great experience.”
In total Paige committed 40 hours of service work during her trip.
KAYLIN SLATTERY – April 2017 – Cornelius, NC
This past April Kaylin volunteered for the day along with a group of student from her school at the Havens Assisted Living Home for seniors with Alzheimer’s and Dementia in Huntersville, NC. While there she talked with residents and heard all about their life stories which she thought was very interesting. They sang lots of songs and played games too. In addition she helped clean up their garden and outdoor area planting new plants in fresh soil so the resident would have a beautiful area outside to enjoy. “It was very special to spend time with the residents and make their day more pleasant!”
STEPHANIE STULL – 2017 – Weddington, NC
Stephanie participated in two local organizations this year, Mentor’s Club and Matthews Help Center. She volunteered 2 hours with the Mentor’s Club, an after school ‘camp’, where she helped watch and play with younger children. The Matthew’s Help Center (Helping Ease Local Poverty) created an opportunity for her to volunteer at a house doing multiple jobs such as organizing material, working at the main desk, and at the thrift store.
EMMA WAKEMAN– 2017 – Harrisburg, NC
Emma committed an hour of service work per month in 2017 to her local church, Rocky River Presbyterian Church. Every third week she worked in the church service, and every other month she would specifically work with her youth group. In the church service she was the worship leader, which meant she would lead the church in prayer and read from the Bible. She even was able to share her singing passion with her fellow worshippers, and had the confidence to sing a song with her youth leader during one service. Through her youth group, she volunteered at a local elderly center. At the center, the group hands out flowers and they take the time to sit and talk to the residents. “Personally, it is my favorite part of volunteering with the youth because I learn new things about the residents each time I volunteer.”
EMMA MARTIN – March 12-17, 2017 – St.Margaret’s Village, Belize
Emma traveled to St. Margaret’s Village in Belize for six days over Spring Break with Harvest Church. The church group has been traveling to this same location for three years so it was nice to see the progress and build on previous work. In the village there is a school that most of the children attend. It encompassed preschool to our equivalent of sixth grade with roughly 30-40 kids per grade, however not every class had a teacher. When they reach sixth grade they have to take an ACT/SAT type test to see if they can continue on to high school. If they do not pass, they cannot advance. In addition to the challenges they face learning in crowded classrooms with not enough teachers the bigger challenge for most is financial. Even if the children pass their exam most families are not in the economic position to be able to send them. The school had three main, one story buildings and one trailer for the preschoolers, each classroom falling apart in their own way, so a big part of their trip was to help restore the classrooms! Emma painted furniture such as benches, bookshelves, tables, and chairs. They built an awning for the preschoolers and primed a wooden jungle gym that was built a year prior on a previous trip. They also painted classrooms and even taught a few of the classes! They added swings and cleaned the trash left from what gets burned. Emma shared that “Although we were able to complete many of these physical tasks, the most important impact we has was eternal. We worked on constructional projects while the kids were in class, and played with them during their recesses. After school we were blessed to be able to run a vacation bible school for both the younger and older kids. God alone gave us the ability to reach out to not only the children of Belize, but the men and women as well. We built lifelong relationships with the students and, God through us, were able to touch their hearts and fill them with love that only a Savior can provide. Not only could we spend time with kids, but adults too. The Belizean men and women opened their village and homes to us. When we thought we were the ones serving, it was them who were serving us as well. My personal motivation for the trip was Isaiah 6:8 and it reads “Here am I, send me”. I have asked God for the past year to take my ransomed life and send it wherever He needs it. As always, my God provided. He provides. He will provide. All glory to the God who moves mountains and commands the waves.”
TAYLOR MONTAGUE – 2017 – Durham, NC
This past year Taylor volunteered 17 hours with two organizations, The Miracle League and also Triangle United Futbol Club. The Miracle League is an organization that provides an opportunity for mentally and physically challenged children to play baseball. Taylor was a buddy to a participant helping them run around bases, throw the ball, but mainly encouraging them to smile and have fun! Taylor said, “It was a great experience!”
In addition Taylor volunteered through Triangle United Futbol Club to help coach young players ages 3-5 years old to play soccer. Taylor was most excited to share her passion for the game with the young kids with hopes that they will learn to love the game as much as she does.
ABBY MOSTELLER – Fall 2017 – Lincolnton, NC
Abby helped out at Denver United Methodist Church, in Denver, NC, this past fall preparing “flood buckets” and hygiene kits for people who have recently dealt with a natural disaster. In September they made the hygiene kits which included a wash cloth, hand towel, soap, toothbrush, comb, nail clippers, and band-aids. In November they made the “flood buckets” which included dish soap, rubber gloves, air freshener, trash-bags, bug repellent, cleaning brushes, work gloves, clothes pins and clothes line, and sponges. They made a total of 250 flood buckets and a total of 3,000 hygiene kits. Abby committed an hour making the hygiene kits and an hour making the flood buckets. All of the flood buckets and hygiene kits will go to people in need of cleaning supplies, body care supplies and some household items.
CELIA EITZEL – Spring 2017 – Leesburg, VA
This past spring, Celia volunteered a lot through opportunities provided through Varsity Club at her high school. Varsity Club is a group of varsity level student athletes who want to give back to their community. Her favorite project was when they mentored elementary school students. “Every week, I would go to the elementary school near me and help out for 30 minutes before my classes started. The little kindergartener I was with, Kira, had some learning and social issues, so I would assist with ways to overcome these challenges. The best past was seeing her become a better student. After working together, Kira became a better reader and classmate. She enjoyed it just as much as I did! I can’t wait to continue working with her again this upcoming year.”
MACKENZIE HABA – 2017 – Kingston, TN
Mackenzie volunteered an astounding 76+ hours this past year through the Boys & Girls Club of Roane County. During this time she assisted by painting gym walls, cleaning bathrooms and organizing storage closets, and putting together racks to hold various sports equipment.
BRENNA MURRAY – Spring 2017 – Raleigh, NC
This past year Brenna became more involved in her community through two school organizations, Pride Players (8+ hours) and Food Bank Club (17+ hours). She was a founding officer in both organizations. Pride Players was developed to create more opportunities for the school’s athletes to give back to the community. Through 8 one hour meetings they organized several projects within the school and beyond. Two of their community projects this year were making dog biscuits for the local animal shelter and making blankets for the local children’s hospital. In addition they focused on giving back to the Leesville High School community by sending sponsor letters and creating Valentine’s Day jars for teachers and coaches. They gained 75 members in just their first year of existence and will become an Honor Club for the 2017-18 school year which will allow them to have more flexibility in the events they organize. Brenna was also named vice president of the club for the 2017-18 school year for all her hard work and commitment. “I can’t wait to encourage more community based projects!”
Brenna was the Publicity Chair for the Food Bank Club. “Being a part of this club really opened my eyes to how hunger is still very much an issue in North Carolina.” She helped the club organize and run a week-long food drive at the school collecting and packing cans to send the Central and Eastern NC Food Bank. She proudly reported that they sent over 2,000 pounds of food and over $3,000 totaling 18,351 meals! In addition later in the school year they also packed 100 breakfast bags for Meals on Wheels as well as holding a virtual food drive in the spring. “Being able to be a leader for a cause like this one was really impactful and I am eager to see what we can accomplish next year!”
ANNA VENCKUS – Fall 2017 – Jackson, TN
This fall, Anna started volunteering with a local program called Arise2Read which works to combat the low literacy rate in the Jackson public school district. Every week Anna went to a local elementary school to work with a second grader on their sight words, with the end goal of them being able to read at grade level, which is 300 sight words, by the end of the year. A friend recommended the program to Anna and she shared, “I’m so glad she did because I think it’s a really great and important program, and I’ve had a great experience thus far.”
BETHANY KOPEL – Fall 2017 – Bloomington, IN
Indiana University freshman Bethany Kopel made time in her busy fall school and soccer schedule to commit two hours at the IU Dance Marathon (IUDM). It is an annual charity event for the children at Riley’s Hospital where students dance and play with some of the children that are admitted to the hospital. The motto for this event is “to dance for those who can’t”. Bethany shared that while seeing all of the kids and their families who were in attendance (and suffering from serious illnesses) was heartbreaking it also gave her hope to see the HUGE crowd of people that came to help and support those in need. “I was glad to be a part of it. This was my first time at the event and I hope to be able to participate again!”
MADISON BANKS – 2017 – Queenstown, MD
Madi volunteered for a variety of organizations in 2017:
Solstice Stomp Supporting the Youth – course flagger
Stevensville Middle School – assistant coach for soccer
Toys for Tots – handing out toys to disadvantaged families
Families in Need – brought food to families in need in West Virginia
Edge Foundation – volunteered at their jamboree to support youth sports
GEORGIA HENKEL – 2017 – Houston, TX
Georgia gave back to the hard hit area of Houston this year in a variety of ways, especially after Hurricane Harvey.
- Coaching at TTI (The Technical Institute) – 15hrs
- Kid’s Meals (sandwich making) – 2hrs
- Helping Hurricane Harvey refugees at MDPC (Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church) – 10hrs
- Volunteering in Rockport, TX after Hurricane Harvey – 7hrs
- Tutoring immigrant students at her school (Stratford High School) – 18hrs
EMMA HILL – Summer 2017 – Centreville, MD
Emma continued her service work from 2016 coaching youth goalkeepers in her area. She was able to expand her group from one to five goalkeepers and trained them twice a week for two hours per session throughout the summer at a local grass soccer field. Emma did not ask for or receive any payments for the training sessions she led. Coming from a small town area Emma had experienced herself how difficult it was to learn about the position, so she wanted to help encourage the next generation of goalkeepers with a goal to expand their knowledge and ability as goalkeepers. “I love seeing them develop into better players with each training session. I am so proud of the hard work all of the girls have put in this summer to become better goalkeepers and it really makes all of the time I spent planning, preparing, and coaching worth it.”
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